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  • 20 Best Practices And Tips For Writing Efficient Java Codes

    May 11, 2023
    Muhammed Suvareh
    Muhammed Suvareh
    Muhammed Suvareh has done Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is a well-known computer scientist with over ten years of expertise in software development, research, and education.

    Java is a well-known programming language course that is utilized by developers all around the world. Because it is a versatile and adaptable language, it is frequently used to construct software, web applications, and mobile applications. However, designing efficient Java code is critical to a project's success. In this blog post, we'll look at some best practices and techniques for writing efficient Java code for your JAVA assignment.

    1. Make use of efficient data structures

    Data structures are a fundamental notion in programming and play an important role in code optimization. Data structures in Java include arrays, linked lists, stacks, and queues, among others. When selecting a data structure, it is critical to consider your application's requirements and select a data structure that can handle your data efficiently.

    If you need to access elements randomly, for example, an array is a better choice than a linked list. A linked list, on the other hand, is more efficient than an array if you need to add or delete entries regularly. You should also evaluate the data structure's time and space complexity and choose the one that gives the best performance for your application.

    2. Avoid creating superfluous objects.

    Creating objects in Java can be an expensive activity, especially if you generate a large number of them. To optimize your code, avoid creating superfluous objects whenever feasible. For example, instead of building an object, you can utilize basic data types to execute a mathematical operation on a variable.

    String concatenation is another procedure that might result in the formation of superfluous objects. If you need to concatenate strings, the StringBuilder class is preferable to concatenating strings with the + operator.

    3. Make use of efficient algorithms

    To improve the performance of your Java code, you must use efficient algorithms. There are several algorithms available for various jobs, and you should select the one that delivers the optimum performance for your particular use case. If you need to sort an array, for example, you can use the quicksort algorithm, which is faster than other sorting algorithms such as bubble sort or insertion sort.

    When selecting an algorithm, you should also consider its temporal complexity, which is a measure of how many operations the algorithm performs. A lower time complexity method will be more efficient than a greater time complexity algorithm.

    4. Use the appropriate collection for the assignment.

    Collection classes in Java include ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, and TreeSet, among others. Each collection type has advantages and downsides, and you should select the best collection for your particular use case.

    For example, ArrayList is a good choice if you need a collection with quick access to elements. HashSet, on the other hand, should be used if you need a collection that accepts duplicates and delivers constant-time performance for add, remove, and contains operations.

    5. Avoid making superfluous method calls.

    Method calls in Java can also be expensive, especially if you call them frequently. Avoiding superfluous method calls is a good way to optimize your code. For example, instead of invoking a method, you can utilize primitive data types to execute a mathematical operation on a variable.

    You should also avoid repeatedly calling methods that return the same result. Instead, you can save the result in a variable and use it as needed.

    6. Make use of the final keyword

    In Java, the final keyword can be used to specify constants, which are values that cannot be modified once assigned. Using the final keyword allows the compiler to optimize your code, which can increase its performance.

    When you declare a variable as final, the compiler can replace all occurrences of the variable with its value, removing the need for the variable to be accessed at runtime. This can lead to faster code execution and improved memory use.

    7. Make use of try-with-resources

    The try-with-resources statement in Java can be used to shut resources such as files, sockets, and database connections, among others. This can assist in preventing resource leaks and ensuring that resources are relinquished as soon as they are no longer required.

    When you use try-with-resources, regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not, the resources are immediately closed at the end of the try block. This can help to simplify and improve the efficiency of your code.

    8. Make use of multithreading

    Multithreading is a strong Java feature that can help you increase the speed of your programs. Multiple threads can run concurrently, which helps to distribute the processing load and increase overall performance.

    However, multithreading should be utilized with caution because it might cause issues like race situations and deadlocks. To prevent threads from interfering with one another, employ synchronization methods like locks and semaphores.

    9. Make use of logging

    Logging is a useful tool for debugging and monitoring Java programming. Java has the java.util.logging package, which can be used to log messages of various severity levels, including INFO, WARNING, and SEVERE, among others.

    Logging can help you detect and solve errors in your code, as well as monitor your application's performance. However, you should utilize logging with caution because it can hurt the performance of your code.

    10. Create a profile for your code

    Profiling is the practice of examining your code to find performance bottlenecks and places for improvement. Java includes several profiling tools, such as JProfiler and VisualVM, that may be used to profile your code and suggest areas for optimization.

    Profiling can assist you in optimizing your code by detecting places that consume too much time or memory and recommending ways to improve them. However, profiling should be done with caution because it can have an impact on the performance of your code.

    11. Make use of lazy initialization

    Lazy initialization is a technique that prevents an object from being created until it is required. This can assist minimize your code's memory footprint and increase performance.

    Consider the following scenario: you have a vast collection of infrequently utilized goods. Instead of constructing all of the objects at once, you can use lazy initialization to generate them only when they are required.

    12. Make use of immutable objects.

    Immutable objects are those that cannot be changed after they have been created. Immutable objects can help you simplify your code and lessen the likelihood of issues caused by unexpected changes.

    Immutable objects are very beneficial in data structures and collections. If you have a collection of objects that should not be modified, for example, you may use an immutable collection to assure that the objects cannot be modified.

    13. Make use of caching

    Caching is a technique that stores frequently used data in memory so that it may be accessed quickly. Caching can assist minimize the time it takes to access data, which can enhance speed.

    For example, if you have a regularly accessed database, you can utilize caching to save frequently accessed data in memory. This can reduce the amount of database queries required, which can increase performance.

    14. Make use of the appropriate data types

    Choosing the correct data types for your variables and collections can have a big impact on how fast your code runs. For example, if you need to sort a collection, you should pick a collection that supports efficient sorting, such as a TreeSet.

    Similarly, if you have a variable with a limited selection of values, use an enum rather than a String or integer variable. This can enhance efficiency and lessen the likelihood of issues caused by unexpected values.

    15. Improve I/O operations

    Input/output (I/O) operations in your code can be a substantial bottleneck, especially if you are reading or writing huge volumes of data. You can optimize I/O operations by employing strategies such as buffered I/O and reducing the number of I/O operations.

    When reading data from a file, for example, you can use buffered I/O to read larger chunks of data at a time rather than one byte at a time. This can reduce the number of I/O operations while also improving performance.

    16. Instead of a string concatenation, use StringBuilder.

    String concatenation can be a performance bottleneck in your code, especially when concatenating a large number of strings. Each time two strings are concatenated, a new string object is formed, which might result in a lot of unwanted object creation.

    To avoid this issue, utilize the StringBuilder class to efficiently create strings. The StringBuilder class provides a collection of methods for adding strings that can be used to slowly build a string without creating extra string objects.

    17. Avoid excessive synchronization.

    Synchronization can be a useful tool for guaranteeing thread safety in your code, but it can also have a negative influence on performance. Synchronization entails obtaining and releasing locks, which can be time and memory-consuming.

    Only synchronize on shared data that needs to be shielded from concurrent access to avoid excessive synchronization. You do not need to synchronize if you are simply reading data from a single thread.

    18. When feasible, use primitive types.

    Primitive types like int, double, and boolean are more efficient than object types like Integer, Double, and Boolean. Using primitive types can assist minimize your code's memory footprint and enhance performance.

    For example, if you are iterating over a big collection, you should use a basic type rather than an object type for the loop variable. This can reduce the number of objects created while also improving performance.

    19. Select the appropriate sorting algorithm.

    Sorting is a common action in many Java applications, and numerous sorting algorithms are available. The sorting technique you use can have a major impact on the performance of your code, especially for huge data sets.

    For small data sets, a simple sorting method such as bubble sort or insertion sort can be used. For bigger data sets, a more efficient technique, such as quicksort or mergesort, should be used.

    20. Make use of object pooling

    Object pooling is a strategy that maintains a pool of pre-initialized objects and reuses objects rather than creating and destroying them. Object pooling can assist reduce the number of objects created while also improving performance.

    For example, if you have a large number of objects that must be produced and destroyed regularly, you can limit the number of object creations and enhance performance by using object pooling.

    Finishing Up

    Writing efficient Java code is critical for getting the most out of your Java applications. The best practices and recommendations described in this blog article can help you optimize and increase the performance of your code. Using StringBuilder instead of string concatenation is one of the most essential recommendations for building speedy Java programs. String concatenation can be a performance bottleneck in your code, especially when concatenating a large number of strings. The StringBuilder class can assist you in quickly building strings without creating unneeded string objects.

    Avoiding needless synchronization is another piece of advice for designing efficient Java programs. Synchronization entails obtaining and releasing locks, which can be time and memory-consuming. Only synchronize shared data that must be secured from concurrent access. Another crucial guideline for building speedy Java code is to use primitive types whenever possible. Primitive types are more efficient than their respective object types and can help you decrease your code's memory footprint.

    Choosing the proper sorting algorithm is also crucial for getting the best performance out of your Java apps. For small data sets, a simple sorting method such as bubble sort or insertion sort can be used. For bigger data sets, a more efficient technique, such as quicksort or mergesort, should be used. Object pooling can assist reduce the number of objects created while also improving performance. Object pooling entails keeping a pool of pre-initialized objects and reusing them rather than continuously constructing and discarding them.

    You can ensure that your Java code is efficient and performant by following these best practices and guidelines. This can help you achieve optimal performance and overall quality in your Java apps.

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